Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Alexander Wang2015 spring summer fashion show

T stage shoes! You've already heard of this trend. (So far sneakers after a brilliant year - from Dior and Chanel Fall advanced custom series began and see) But today this fabulous brand Alexander Wang show, it has a whole new meaning. As an undisputed control shoes, Wang sports shoes as the theme, with a re-interpretation of the iconic clothing style. Nike running shoes are remodeling Flyknits known as electro-optical color wrap dress, and the classic Adidas Stan Smiths white and green are turned - in addition to this, it could become what? - Tennis skirt.

It could be more gimmicks, such as the piece looks like a running shoe soles foam padding leather dress, but on the other hand, these are women who want to wear sexy clothing on the body. We are particularly concerned about those colorful mini dress folds horn, the ride is like a second skin as thin black turtleneck shirt - like high-tech 21st century Madame Grès or Fortuny. Both of these he mentioned in the pre-show. Wang has always likes to look forward, not easily turned designer. Perhaps his work experience in Balenciaga positive fashion to push the stage of history?

Anyway, this show is very exciting. Especially with the last quarter of the fashion show in stark contrast, when he seemed to focus on the model sexy cover up the light. Early in the series to make it to regain glory, about 07-09 had never been seen, the girls were his fans have captivated urban street style. Today, new or previously Wang Wang, only a lot more detail crafts. We dare to predict: waist Slim fit trousers with a T-shirt and seersucker camisole style, will become one of the typical silhouette spring of 2015.

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